What is your current role and what does it involve?
Founder and owner of Sam’s Sweetstache. Currently SS is a bake house and event planning sector that handles the creative side of food, hospitality, event management and fine art.
What is the best thing about studying at William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT and what have you found to be most valuable?
personally, my time at William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT was found to be a time I enjoyed for its interactive personality in its subjects, lecturers and staff. Being a creative individual, I found it useful and helpful to grasp the education in an interactive interdependent atmosphere. My most valuable memories of William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT will be working with everyone from different batches on the range of events hosted by different batches for different occasions, this experience helped us make new friends and trained us to work with different individuals from all walks of life.
What aspects of your study have you found to be most valuable?
The hands on training, and interactive process made the academic structure easier to follow and understand in a condensed amount of time.
What are your plans for the future?
My future plans are open to moving overseas and take my business International whilst working in an event management and production company.
What have you enjoyed most about your course?
The memories that were made amongst friends, lecturers and many other guests we’ve had the pleasure of working alongside. The opportunity to work in some of the highest profile events alongside esteemed guests and colleagues.
Words of wisdom
Hospitality is not for everyone, and most times majority of the people feel that way, but if your passion involves servitude to others in forms of food, and customer service, events and socializing,l then keep pushing yourself to break out of your comfort zone and eventually you will realize exactly what part of the umbrella of choices hospitality has to offer suits you best. Once you broke out of your shell and found your passion, the world is your oyster.
Challenges you’ve faced by choosing a Tourism and Hospitality related programme.
The stereotypical interviews and looking for jobs online is not what always works for the hospitality trade. Network your heart out and jobs will follow if you advertise yourself and your skills well. Everything about this trade is “word of mouth”. Do not get discouraged for the lack of jobs at the start, they will come with experience and good networking. Do not expect to get a great job at the start, cause in this industry what matters most more than the title is your experience. Having a title with no experience is by definition, no use at all. Gain as much experience in order to gain more responsibility.